
Ziemann Up to Speed with His API BOX

September 2015, Garbenteich, Germany: Mark Ziemann "got tired of mixing with the mouse". As a result, he upgraded to an API BOX console this June. Ziemann made the switch from digital mixers and calls the console a "complete API system" for his home studio, "now I know I needed analog faders." Ziemann works in Garbenteich, Germany, where he has been involved in pro audio for just over a decade.

"As a guitarist, I was never quite happy with the productions of my music, so I got interested in pro audio recording in 2004. My first professional mic pre was API." Since then, Ziemann steadily expanded his API gear collection to include a 2500 compressor, 525 compressor, and an 8-slot lunchbox® before deciding that what he really needed was an analog console in his studio.

Ziemann was recording big projects before adding a BOX to his workflow, but without a console of his own he had to take his outboard gear with him to record in bigger studios. It wasn't until working on his "Oktoberfest Version" of Pharell Williams' chart-topping track "Happy" that he realized a console was the solution to his problems. Mixing "Happy", a project he completed with engineer Christian Wahl, was a challenge, but Ziemann says his API gear made it much more possible. "It was quite hard to build this new version around the original vocals, but with a little help from my 525, it worked."

Now that he has an API console, Ziemann doesn't have to leave home and he can bypass the plugins he once relied on. "The BOX is a real centerpiece and it's easy to use. It has all the functionality I require for my work. I mix pretty straight using all 20 channels with the internal 527s on drums or vocal applications, while using my 2500 on the main bus. The BOX sped up my workflow so much. Everything sits in the mix better right from the start."

Ziemann purchased his BOX from API Distributor ES-Pro Audio, based in Germany.