"We looked at many different consoles, but the choice was pretty simple. We already loved the sound of API, and the 1608 provided everything we needed. It even fit right into our company concept. The mixing desk handles all musical styles perfectly and is very easy to work on. We also really liked that the desk came with API's standard 5-year warranty, and it made us feel very secure about our purchase.
The 1608 practically mixes itself. Balancing has never been easier, and because of that we've started to use the EQs less to solve problems and more to enhance recordings in a musical way. The EQs are absolutely brilliant for this, and we're able to get a punchy, clear and very full sound that our customers love just as much as we do. Thanks for making such a fantastic big 'little' console. I don't think we'll ever look back."
Located in the Netherlands between Amsterdam and the North Sea, Westbank Studio was specifically created in 2009 as a top-notch mixing facility for talented artists who record tracks on their own, but need capable sound engineers for post-production. Because "big" studios generally have a large overhead, many self-recorded musicians end up paying a large sum of money for professional production. Not at Westbank Studio. There, clients have affordable access to great acoustics, new and superbly maintained vintage gear, an overdub room, a mix room and excellent sound engineers.
More: westbankstudio.nl
Contact: email: info@westbankstudio.com; phone: 31 (0) 23 D55172666