Studio City, CA – March 2015:
Westlake Pro Audio is hosting a demonstration event for the API BOX console April 1st and 2nd. The event will take place at Westlake headquarters in California, where anyone interested in the BOX can make an individual appointment for hands-on experience with the console. Appointments are also available for the API 1608—Westlake's newest addition to its demo room. API Managing Director Gordon Smart had this to say about the event: "We are pleased to work with a great partner such as Westlake, especially within the context of demonstrating this powerful, small format console."
Since the BOX was unveiled at AES in 2013, studio owners and independent producers around the world have discovered the power of this compact console. API released an in-depth video on the BOX after many who visited their NAMM booth were enlightened on the BOX's full capabilities. The video is now available on the company's YouTube channel.
Westlake sales representatives, studio professionals and API product specialists will guide all demonstrations from 10am to 5pm each day, and be available between demos to answer both product and sales-based questions. Sign-ups for this exclusive event are available now at the Westlake Pro blog and space has already begun to fill up. For questions about Westlake or API products including the BOX, please see Westlake Pro Audio's blog or
For more information on the Westlake event, please contact Westlake Pro's marketing director Peter Malick: or API's press representative Jen Schiller: